How to Save Energy in Commercial Buildings

5 strategies you should use

Right Electrical Services, LLC
5 min readNov 2, 2020
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Whether you are a business owner or a property manager, it is likely that you’re always looking for ways to boost efficiency. One of the best ways that you can do so is by finding ways to save energy in commercial buildings. Aside from helping you save on your electricity bill for your commercial building, this will also help you to achieve a lighter environmental footprint for your company. Doing your part for the environment is something you can feel good about!

Today, Right Electrical Services will be offering you 5 ways that you can save energy in commercial buildings. With this information, you should check to see if your commercial properties are doing all that they can to save energy. Let’s get started!

Save Energy in Commercial Buildings With Power Management Settings

When it comes to saving energy in commercial buildings, the process doesn’t have to be complicated! In fact, some of the most simple things you can do in your commercial property can help save energy. One of the most simple strategies that you can use is found in the power management settings of your office equipment. Not only are these settings simple to set but they also contribute to energy-efficiency!

Make sure to set all of your office’s printers, computers, and other office equipment to the most energy-efficient modes. You shouldn’t, for example, walk past a vacant workstation and see a computer with a screensaver anymore. This is a waste of valuable energy and by setting energy-saving power management settings you can do your part to lower your electricity bill and even help save the planet!

Make Sure Your Power Management Settings Stay Set

Although setting power management settings on all of your office equipment is one of the easiest ways to save energy in commercial buildings, you shouldn’t take it for granted. Unfortunately, these controls can be easily overridden or reset from time to time. You should do your part to check them regularly to make sure they’re still running. You can make this easy on yourself by setting a reminder to check power-saving settings throughout your commercial buildings and offices on a monthly basis. This will ensure that you are always saving the most energy possible with power management settings!

Repair and Upgrade Your Lights to Save Energy

Upgrading or repairing the office lighting systems in your commercial building can, believe it or not, make a big difference when it comes to saving energy in commercial buildings. This is particularly helpful if you haven’t thought about your office lighting system in a few years and are now finding that the lights flicker from time to time! Repairing and upgrading the lights in your office is actually one of the best ways to slash energy usage in your commercial office space.

Here are a few questions you should be asking yourself regarding the need to repair and upgrade your office lighting system:

  • How often do your employees leave a room and forget to turn out the lights?
  • When was the last time you had a commercial electrician check whether or not your commercial building uses the most energy-efficient lighting systems available?

Repairing and upgrading your office’s lighting system to the latest and greatest lighting available is one of the best ways to save a large amount of energy and money alike!

Did you know that you can install motion-sensing lighting in areas of your office that aren’t in constant use? Whether it be conference rooms, restrooms, or breakrooms, each of these areas of your commercial building are often kept lit even when nobody is using the room. This translates into money being thrown out the window!

With motion-sensing lighting installed in your commercial building, lighting will only be used when the system detects movement in the area! Likewise, when the system notices that there has been no movement in a particular area for a certain amount of time, the lights go off. This means you aren’t wasting precious energy to light rooms that nobody is even using!

To maximize the amount of energy savings you can see in your commercial building, you should also consider installing LED lighting! LED lighting lasts considerably longer than other forms of lighting and requires far less maintenance. While LED lighting is more expensive upfront, they are a true investment in the way of saving energy in commercial buildings and should be highly considered!

Update Server Rooms to Save Energy in Commercial Buildings

Having a server room in your commercial building is a must these days. That being said, we often forget that as cloud data hosting becomes more secure, many companies are seeing huge energy savings by simply migrating some of their data to a cloud hosting system.

While you may not be quite ready to take that step as of yet, consulting with your IT manager may lead to great energy savings through other means. This might include increasing the inlet temperatures for your servers or even improving air-flow management in your server room. Work alongside your IT manager to identify areas where you could save the maximum amount of energy in your server room!

Use Energy-Saving Thermostat Settings

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Finally, another way that our Raleigh electricians recommend saving energy in commercial buildings is by adopting energy-saving thermostat settings in your office. Think about it: someone is always either too cold or too hot in your office. This is a classic battle that many of us have faced with our coworkers time and time again. In order to save energy, it is crucial that you have energy-efficient and programmable thermostats installed in your commercial buildings.

To go the extra step in maximizing your energy savings, you should also have management make the call on the most energy-efficient settings to use as the seasons change. While you can’t keep everyone in the office happy with the thermostat at all times, there are practical ways that you can save energy while keeping everyone as happy as possible. Consider encouraging employees that tend to be a bit hot in the office to bring a small personal fan to use at their desk. Likewise, encourage employees that tend to be cold in the office space to wear an extra layer. This keeps everyone as happy as possible without having to sacrifice energy!

Call Our Raleigh Electricians!

Need help taking the necessary steps to boost your energy savings in the office? Call our commercial electricians! We’ll be happy to assist you in taking the steps needed to lower your electricity bill and raise your positive impact on the environment. Call us today at (919) 359–1017! We look forward to working with you.

Right Electrical Services, LLC is an electrical contractor based in Raleigh, NC. We are now publishing our blog’s content on Medium to offer home improvement tips to a wider audience. Interested in learning more about home improvement? Follow us! You can also check out our website for more electrical and home improvement Pro Tips from our professionals! Thanks for reading!



Right Electrical Services, LLC

Right Electrical Services is an electrical contractor based out of Raleigh, North Carolina. Website: Call us at (919) 359–1017!